Dominica map showing our Portsmouth anchorage Click here to go back

You can see our one anchorage in Prince Rupert Bay, Portsmouth, where we spent a total of about a month and a half, waiting for other cruising friends.  A rolly, uncomfortable anchorage can be had at the capital, Roseau, but Portsmouth is much nicer and there are few facilities in Roseau anyway.  A hotel has put out some moorings about half way down the island, but boats there had been attacked by locals, so we didn't stop there.

Dominica is very high, with some 8 currently dormant volcanoes.  This makes it very lush, as the trade winds drop their moisture, but it also makes it almost impossible to sail down the west coast.  The mountains block all the winds, so we usually end up motoring down the lee (west, or left-hand) side.

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