Caribbean Landfalls

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St. Lucia
St. Vincent
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Windward Islands

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The Eastern Caribbean is divided roughly into two sets of islands: those that receive the Trade Winds first, that is the Windward Islands, and those that are a bit to the west, the Leeward Islands.  This is neither a political, historical, or economic division, but a convenient reference.

The Windward Islands we visited include Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent's Grenadines (Bequia and the Tobago Cays), Carriacou, and Grenada.  Of these, Martinique is French, and the others ex-British/Independent.  We sailed amongst these islands from May through August 2002.

The larger islands are all lush volcanic islands with peaks over 3000 feet (1,000m) high, and rugged coastline on the eastern (windward) side.  The Grenadines (Bequia, Tobago Cays, and Carriacou) are low sand islands surrounded by clear water and coral reefs.

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