Ecoregion Journal

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St. Martin
St. Lucia
Tobago Cays
Los Llanos
Laguna Grande
Galápagos Arid Zone
Galápagos Highlands

    As if my site on this web is not big enough, I have now decided to write out basically my whole eco-region journal. Most of the entries are on snorkeling locations, so you will probably read about a great number of fish that seem unusual to people not in the tropics, but after this long, to me they are just like another school of fish that I have seen way too many times. Forgive me if I do not get enthusiastic enough.

    Now, although most of the entries are below water, that does not mean that all of them are. The two on Los Llanos, for example, are almost all, if not completely, land based. But it seems that, unless we have guests, at which point I have other things I'm concentrating about, we seem to spend much of our time on the boat. If I could do an "ecoregion" on our boat, I think it would fill this whole site, there's so much I would have to write about. 

    But I'm writing too much, so I'll let you get on to reading what you came here for.


A note for ecoregions including and beyond Bonaire - while in Bonaire, I got SCUBA certified. Just so you don't get confused, know that some of the ecoregions I did were while I was diving, around 60 feet. I can go deeper then but my observations may not be so thorough because I also have to deal with my equipment.


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