Cruising Info

General Cruising Info
Pacific Ocean Cruising
Indian Ocean Cruising
Provisioning Food & Fuel
Cruising Recipes

Pacific Cruising Info

South Pacific Weather
South Pacific Schedule
Panama Transit
Cruising Galapagos
Cruising Marquesas
Tonga-Fiji Hazards
Cruising Fiji
Australian Arrival
Cruising Australia
Cruising Solomons
Cruising PNG
Cruising Philippines

Pacific Ocean Cruising

Destinations | Cruising Info | Underwater | Yacht Ocelot | Ocelot's Crew | Site Map

This section is new and is therefore evolving.  Our Cruising Information section was getting too complicated so we subdivided it, mainly by ocean.  This page heads our Pacific Ocean Cruising Information section.

These pages are basically arranged from east to west, with some more general pages up front.  For this incarnation we've included the following cruiser-specific pages:

South Pacific Weather  - Surprisingly different from the Caribbean
South Pacific Schedules  - How to maximize your time
Transiting the Panama Canal  - Do's & Don'ts & How-to's
Cruising the Galapagos  - What to do and where to go
Cruising the Marquesas  - Info emailed to other cruisers
Tonga / Fiji hazards  - Unmarked hazards between these 2
Cruising Fiji  - Copy of our letter to the SSCA
Australian Arrival Procedures  - Best to be well prepared
Cruising Australia  - Detailed descriptions from Brisbane to Darwin
Cruising Solomon Islands  - Detailed descriptions for NW Solomon Islands
Cruising Papua New Guinea  - Detailed descriptions for northern PNG Islands
Cruising the Philippines  - Detailed descriptions of these wonderful islands

We're especially proud of our Australia, Solomon Islands, PNG, and Philippines cruising pages.  They contain exact locations, satellite shots of entry and exit routes, detailed descriptions, anchoring depths, and even photos of all of the anchorages that we visited as we cruised those areas.  MaxSea and OpenCPN users can also download Track files to see safe tracks as well as marks (buoys, moorings, pass depths, pearl farms, and chart comments &/or inaccuracies).  Detailed download and usage instructions, as well as other Track files, can be found in our Track Files area.

Pacific Cruising Info: Up | South Pacific Weather | South Pacific Schedule | Panama Transit | Cruising Galapagos | Cruising Marquesas | Tonga-Fiji Hazards | Cruising Fiji | Australian Arrival | Cruising Australia | Cruising Solomons | Cruising PNG | Cruising Philippines

Cruising Info: General Cruising Info | Equipment | Pacific Ocean Cruising | Indian Ocean Cruising | Provisioning Food & Fuel | Cruising Recipes

Top Level: Home | Destinations | Cruising Info | Underwater | Boat Guests | Ocelot | Sue | Jon | Amanda | Chris | Site Map | Make a Comment

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of the
Seven Seas
Seven Seas Cruising Association
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Copyright © 2000‑2025  Contact: Jon and Sue Hacking --, svOcelot.comAll rights reserved.